In the Barnyard: Who are Bohemian Farmgirls?

Bohemian Farmgirl is something that has evolved over years of trying to figure out how to weave all of the meaningful parts of my life together. This is what it means to me, and if it touches part of your soul then my guess is that you are a Bohemian Farmgirl too.

1. Growing a Family--First and foremost, comes family. This may be your biological or chosen family, but whomever your family includes, it's roots dig deep and provide grounding for growth above the surface of the soil.

2. Planting a Farm--Modern homesteading is a way of life for a Bohemian Farmgirl. This may include anything from a windowsill garden to acres of land, buying local and supporting small farms to growing and raising all of your food yourself, and cultivating dreams of homesteading no matter if you live in the city or country.

3. Nurturing a Creative Life--This is the heart of a Bohemian Farmgirl and what brings us all together creating a community of ideas and inspiration. Living a creative life is the wellspring of joy that provides energy to make our dreams reality, no matter what the circumstances. And we all help each other along the way.

Monday, March 3, 2014

My Custom Homestead: Steps 4 & 5

Step 4 of Your Custom Homestead by Jill Winger ( assigns the work of setting goals for the next one, five, and ten years.  My own five year goal is simple:  transfer my urban homestead to a rural location by buying a farm.  Beyond that, I have learned that I can get ahead of myself and stay stuck in the "future-izing" rather than being in the present moment where I belong.  But I do think that it is helpful to have a long term goal.
My short term goals for a NYC apartment-sized homestead seem very much attainable.

  • Establish an indoor herb garden. 
  • Buy as much seasonal produce as I can afford from the local farmer's market and preserve it for the winter. 
  • Contribute to our co-op's composting program. 
  • Make beeswax candles. 
  • Make fresh juice from seasonal produce.  
  • Get involved in a community garden in our neighborhood.  
From the foundation of these goals, Step 5 is to start mapping out your homestead plans.  Personally, I do this by adding images from magazines and books to my image file as well as getting plentiful inspiration from Pinterest (see my boards at These are my visual lists of things I want to add to my rural homestead, one step at a time.  
My only advice about these two steps is to mind the language you use.  I have learned that if you use words like "I want....." or "I wish....."  then you keep yourself in a perpetual state of wanting and wishing.  But if you adjust those words to "I intend to....." or "I will....."  then you align yourself with the forces of the universe which will lead you down the path to your desired outcome.  You will be more apt to find a way rather than staying stuck in constant longing and desire.  What are your goals??  

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