Exactly three years ago from this moment I was in labor. I had been having contractions every 7 minutes for 19 hours and had already been to the birthing center once, only to be sent home. "Call us back when the contractions are 5 minutes apart." Feeling somewhat foolish (this was my first experience with labor and all its glory), I waited until I had been having contractions every 5 minutes for a good 2 hours before calling the midwife again. When we got back to the birthing center, I was only 1 centimeter dilated. The midwife was going to send me back home again, but I begged her not to. We lived 2 hours away for goodness sake! After
another 12 hours and 2 shift changes, the midwife broke my water. My daughter was born another 7 hours later.
Photo by winterriot via Pinterest |
That's kind of how this homesteading dream has been going too. I've been pregnant with it for a long time and I'm finally in labor. I'm having contractions, I'm nervous and excited and scared all at once. And it's time to break my water. In June when our student housing lease is up and we move out of New York City, I plan to be moving into our farmhouse. Do you hear that universe??? Boil some water! Start tearing sheets! (Although I never understood why they tore sheets when someone was having a baby on TV in the 70s....). Anyway, just get to work manifesting!
One of the wisest things I learned from Julia Cameron (
The Artist's Way) is about making things happen in partnership with God. She said something to the effect of: if you are running late for work, say a prayer that you will make it there on time,
and then run to catch the bus. Well, I see the bus coming and I've got my running shoes on (okay, farm boots). I've been warming up with my little urban homestead and now I'm ready for the last sprint.
The biggest obstacle to getting there (sticking with the bus metaphor) is that I don't have enough quarters for the bus. But I have lots of ways of getting some. I'll share them all with you in future posts so that you can get on the bus too. Got your running shoes on?
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